Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What if I only want to play if I can be on the same team as a friend?

If that is the most important thing, it can occur at the A level or in the Rally Cap Division, provided the friend also requests. This is done on the registration form at the time of registering.

What equipment do I need to play ball?

A ball glove that is a suitable size for the child, batting helmet, ball pants, athletic protective cup and either baseball cleats or good runners. Your team will be provided with bats, balls, jerseys and hats.

Are there any more costs other than the registration fee?

Yes. Team Fees: Teams usually have team pictures, jerseys (included in registration in A division), a windup, tournament entry fees, provincial fees, baseballs, team clothing. This is decided upon by each team and money is collected by the team. Typically AAA have the greatest additional costs and A and Rally Cap the least.

Do I have to go through the evaluation process or can I just be placed on a team?

If you wish to only play A level or you are in the Rally Cap Division, players are placed on a team. The evaluation process is used to form AAA & AA teams and if that is where you wish to play, you will have to follow the evaluation process as determined by Baseball Regina.

What is the evaluation process?

Players requiring evaluations are evaluated first by independent evaluators in the essential skills of baseball. Then using these evaluations, AAA coaches draft players to tryout for their team. After AAA tryouts, players not selected go to the AA pool where players tryout with coaches for the AA teams. If a players skill is not at a AA level, they will be placed on an A team.

When are Evaluations for 11U to 15U?

The Evaluations committee are in the process of confirming location, date, and times. Typically, Evaluations are 1.5 to 2 hours and held late February - mid March. Once confirmed, everyone registered on RAMP will be notified by email.

Where will my games be played?

Rally Cap to 15U AAA games are played at one of three parks (Columbus, Lions, and Pacer). Games against other towns will be played in those towns. 18U games are played at Pacer, Lakeridge, Currie, and Optimist.

What out of town teams will there be?

It changes from year to year, but A teams are typically within 50 to 80 kms of Regina; AA teams are typically within 120 kms with the larger distance being applicable to the older ages; AAA play against teams Province wide.

How many games will I play?

This is dependent upon what level you are playing. Rally Cap has approximately 14 games and one Rally Cap Day; 11U - 15U: A Division - approximately 16-18 games, 1-2 weekend tournaments and 1 weekend playoffs; AA Division 20-22 games, 2-3 weekend tournaments, 1 weekend playoffs, 1 weekend provincials; AAA Division 22-24 games, 3-5 weekend tournaments, 1 playoffs, 1 provincials.

What days will I play?

Rally Cap is the only division with set days. Junior Rally Cap plays Tuesday & Thursday and Senior Rally Cap plays Monday & Wednesday. The other divisions play a variety of days of the week.

What if I can't afford the registration fee?

You may be eligible for KidSport or JumpStart which may pay part or all of the registration fee. You will need to apply for funding but let the Executive know you are in the process of applying. If you do not qualify for KidSport or JumpStart, please ask us about alternate funding.

My child is born in a year that says they can register for Senior Rally Cap or 11U. How do I know which to choose?

If your child is able to catch, throw, and hit a pitched ball and understands the game of baseball, he/she may be ready to enjoy 11U level. If you are unsure, you can have your child go to 11U evaluations to determine which is a better fit.

Can girls register for baseball?

Absolutely. Every year we have females playing in Baseball Regina. See Baseball Sask under female baseball.
New for 2021, we are forming all girls teams in Junior Rally Cap, Senior Rally Cap, and 12U Girls Minor League Baseball
New for 2023, we are expanding the all girls team to 14U.

I am looking at registering my daughter but she has absolutely no baseball experience. She was born in 2009. Would she be able to play in this league or would you recommend something different?

We welcome girls without any baseball experience as practices will focus on learning the baseball fundamentals. Being that she is 12 years old, she qualifies for 12U Girls.

I'm trying to find out more about the schedule and weekly commitments for the 12U Girls Minor League Baseball . I have a 10 year old daughter who would love to learn to play baseball, and i'm having trouble finding on your website any information on the number of times per week they play or practice. If it's easier for me to call someone, let me know.Thanks! Tanya

The 12U Girls program consists of competition play in the 11U AA Division. The 12U Girls will be scheduled as a team in the 11U A Division. For more details, see 11U A.

I live outside Regina, but there is no ball team at the level I desire to play. Can I play on a Regina team?

If your address is a RR, Regina then yes. If it is not, then you must request a zone release from your Zone Governor. If you receive a release, you are eligible to play on a Regina team. Zone maps and Zone Governor contact info can be found at

What is the difference between RBA and Baseball Regina?

RBA is what we were called over 12 years ago. We changed our name to Baseball Regina. There are still a few people that call us RBA.

What are the advantages of Baseball Regina's program?

Everybody is placed on a team at an appropriate level so that they have the best opportunity for succeeding and enjoying baseball. Depending on division level, a 16 - 22 game League schedule is set in addition to tournament and playoff games.

Regular season is completed by the end of June for A teams, mid July for AA and mid to late July for AAA. AAA teams earning a berth into Westerns will have play extended into mid August.

-Baseball Canada Certified coaching and instruction Opportunities to compete at Western Canadian Championships for ages Pee Wee through Midget.
-Teams play as many different teams as possible within the City and surrounding area
- Baseball Regina is a non-profit organization run by volunteers with all proceeds contributed towards facilities, equipment, and operations.
- Web site to provide all league information and on-line registration
- Baseball Canada Certified Umpires.

Why are there two different leagues for the same sport?

We wish there wasn't but the biggest reason is that Baseball Regina follows Baseball Canada and Baseball Saskatchewan Development Systems.
1) the team you start the year with is the one you go to the Provincials and possibly Western Canadian Championships. This gives more players opportunities to compete at the Provincial level.
2) keeping players of like skill level together through the process of three tiers.

Can I play in both leagues at the same time?

While there is nothing stopping you from registering with both, Baseball Regina coaches expect you to commit to your Baseball Regina team 100%.

Why is there a difference in Fees?

Baseball Regina has initiated a fee structure that will allow our players to play the best quality of baseball on the best possible diamonds. Our parks have not been able to be upgraded due to a lack of funding. Our parks are ran by service organizations that have seen a huge depletion in members and fundraising efforts are dwindling. BR Players will pay per use for the diamond time and this will ensure the diamonds can operate; will ensure our players are playing on safe diamonds; will ensure that future generations have a diamond to play the game of baseball. These efforts will make the experience of playing baseball in Regina much more enjoyable for players of all ages.

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