Re: Baseball Regina Refund Policy Change
April 20th, 2020
Dear Baseball Regina Players, Families and Members,
Baseball Regina is a not-for-profit organization that provides the opportunity for players across Southern Saskatchewan to play baseball both competitively and recreationally. Baseball Regina has spent years refining process to ensure players participate in a well-organized league that values consistency and fairness. In September, we prepare our year-end reviews and we begin our planning for the next season. Baseball Regina Volunteers devote 8 months of pre-season planning to ensure a 4-month baseball season can be played.
Baseball Regina has fixed and variable costs that start on our fiscal calendar of October 1st each year. We host an AGM, elect a Board of Directors, coordinate volunteer committees, order uniforms and equipment, operate youth development programs, plan and execute baseball diamond repair work projects, repair diamond equipment, monitor all monetary aspects of our organization, meet with sponsors, work with coaches, evaluate players, draft teams, schedule teams from all over Saskatchewan, purchase software to reduce volunteer time, pay rent and we have a salaried Administration Manager. These expenses are all incurred prior to the first pitch of the season.
For the first time in our history, we are faced with the situation of dealing with the outcome of a possible season cancellation. We are hopeful that this is not the case. The Baseball Regina Volunteer Board of Directors has a duty to our members to make sound financial decisions and then create policy to act on those decisions. The Refund Policy was a very difficult decision to make as we are aware of financial challenges that many of our families are dealing with in their lives. However, it was a critical decision in that hopefully it will protect the future of Baseball Regina as an organization. We are doing our absolute best to manage through this crisis, and we are watching every dollar that is spent. We also want our partnered suppliers and critical supply chain to know that our members support Baseball Regina honouring our expense commitments.
We hope to hear those magical words “play ball” in the near future, but until then, we need to keep our players, players families and our organization safe so we can all hear those words for many more years to come.
Thank you for your support, patience and understanding in working through this challenging time together,
The Baseball Regina Volunteer Board of Directors and Special Members
Dwayne Bidyk
Steve Klippenstein
Kim Krywulak
Jay Vollet
Kelly Sanheim
Steve Hom
Baseball Regina 2019 Operating Rules
Baseball Sask 2019 Divisional Chart & Ages
Baseball Regina 2018 Operating rules & Guidelines are now available for downloading in PDF format
Baseball Regina 2018 Operating Rules & Guidelines click here
Baseball Regina Bylaws - SUBJECT TO CHANGE
Baseball Regina 2010 Bylaws click here